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Viva la Liberté




a love letter  

2010-09-07 21:22:16|  分类: diary |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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I jus want to let you know that im not playing with your feelings,everything I said to you & every promise I made to you was true from my heart. I know we still have to figure out a lot of things in future,but I believe nothing gonna stop us.

Before I met you,I was never serious regarding Love,&when I first met you I was not sure of what will happen to us in the future,but now as every day is passing by I realize that I do love you so.I have also realized that we both have a lot in common & that is a very good ingrediant for a relationship & this makes me more confident about you & me. I know that after this year when I go back , & I will be the same person anymore & I will be a mature guy who always have a responsibility & would love to make a better life with you.& finally I just want to let you know that I want to spend my life with a girl like you.


a love letter - NightKING - leaving you


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